09 August 2012

Ask - Pray - Listen

     For the past year, my heart has been asking a lot of questions regarding ministry. Fortunately, I attend a church that has a burden for serving and provides many opportunities. The challenge has been to find where I should be placing my time, talents and treasure, when I want to help them all. Also, I have wondered, should I start a new ministry, as there are so many people and situations that are in great need? How do I not feel overwhelmed in the area of helping and giving? 
     I have asked questions and prayed for answers, while continuing to give when prompted. In a strange way and not intentional, I have been interviewing ministries. This process has resulted in a sort of confusion. I know that God does not author confusion, but as these organizations grow, they present more needs and ways to serve. I believe I have been receiving guidance through “listening”. 
     I went to an all day conference on human trafficking and heard to following, “Don’t start anything new, there are many existing organizations to come along side and help.” Normally that would not be an earth shattering statement. However, right at that moment, it was gripping. 
     Months later I was reading a devotional blog and the author stated, “I have chosen to focus on two areas of serving,” and continued on. Another gripping moment for me. Two is a reasonable number and I had already been doing much more than that. Yes, why not just focus on two areas? This would help me streamline my energies. Sometimes things are so obvious that I miss them. I give myself permission to downsize my ministry involvement. Two areas per month, and they will fluctuate, because not all ministries meet or have needs every month. 
     Another thing that became obvious, is that a natural pattern has formed. A need becomes known to me, and if I am able, I help. This mundane observation speaks to me, because I have been “seeking”, when the whole time the opportunities find their way to me. Whether via a phone call, email or announcement, my heart hears and considers how to help. Funny enough I have said definitely not (to myself), only to become aware just a few days later, that I have a burden for it. 
     In summary, I will focus on two existing ministries, with a listening ear and grateful heart to share whatever I can.  This means that I have to commit to passing on other opportunities. I do not say yes to everything, but I do say yes many times. Now is the time to focus. 

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